Voices of Success
Testimonials from exalt Alumni and Supporters
“exalt helped to get my personal and social life on track. During my time at exalt, I realized that most of my friends were not truly my friends and were actually a burden to my success. I have also learned how to control my emotions. I am now more aware of the consequences of my actions and the decisions I make and how it can affect me and the people around me.”
“My family loves the new me. They think I’m more responsible, mature, and just a better leader. So that’s why after graduating high school, I’ve decide to go to college and major in business management. Thanks for helping create a better me. If only the Board of Education had programs like this.”
“exalt taught me to not be afraid to put my opinions and suggestions out there, as long as they’re positive. exalt helped me with not just doing what’s asked, but doing more.”
“I think the world of exalt, and there should be a million more like exalt out in the world.”
“As I keep attending exalt I see myself get better as a person. exalt helps keep kids off the street and puts them on the road to success. exalt also brings out the confidence in you, it gets you to try to better yourself so that you can grow to be who you want to be in life.”
Isaiah Middleton graduated from one of exalt’s virtual cycles in Nov 2021 and was offered a graduate internship in St. Ann’s Warehouse. In October 2022 we collected this testimonial, and by March 2023 we were thrilled to learn that St. Ann’s hired Isaiah as a production assistant when he completed his internship.
“My position as an intern is part of the production team load in crew at St. Ann’s Warehouse and I’m honestly happy to say that I’m doing a good job! I’ve received great feedback from my managers, peers at the job site and also exalt staff. My internship has made me realize that making the best of my time is very important. exalt has given me opportunities that I never thought I’d have. My internship lasts for 12 weeks. I only completed 8 so far but I’m excited to do my last 4 weeks.”